Regina School Calendars

Are you ready to stay organized and informed about important dates and events at Regina schools? The school calendar plays a crucial role in helping students, parents, and teachers plan ahead and stay on top of school activities. From holidays and professional development days to parent-teacher conferences and school events, the Regina school calendar is a valuable resource for keeping everyone in the loop. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of the school calendar and how it can benefit the entire school community. Whether you’re a student, parent, or educator, understanding the school calendar can help you make the most of the academic year.

Regina Christian School

Regina Christian School provides a nurturing and academically rigorous environment for students from kindergarten to grade 12. With a commitment to integrating faith and learning, the school offers a comprehensive curriculum that encourages critical thinking and personal growth. The school calendar at Regina Christian School is filled with enriching activities, including sports events, music performances, and community service projects, providing students with a well-rounded educational experience. The school’s dedication to fostering a strong sense of community and character development makes it a standout choice for families seeking a holistic education for their children in Regina.

Regina christian school

Elementary Calendar 2020-21

The Elementary calendar for the 2020-21 school year in Regina is an essential resource for parents, teachers, and students. It outlines important dates such as the first and last day of school, holidays, professional development days, and other key events. This calendar serves as a valuable tool for planning family vacations, scheduling appointments, and staying informed about school activities. By having a clear overview of the school year, parents and students can better prepare for upcoming events and ensure they don’t miss any important deadlines. The Elementary calendar is a crucial component of the Regina School Calendars, providing a comprehensive schedule for the entire academic year.

Elementary calendar 2020-21

Regina High School 2018-2019 Annual Report By Reginahs

Regina High School’s 2018-2019 annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the school’s achievements, activities, and academic performance throughout the year. The report highlights the school’s commitment to academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, and community engagement. It showcases the accomplishments of students, faculty, and staff, and offers a glimpse into the vibrant and diverse learning environment at Regina High School. From academic achievements to sports and arts accomplishments, the annual report captures the spirit and dedication of the school community. It serves as a testament to the school’s ongoing commitment to providing a well-rounded education and fostering a supportive and enriching environment for all students.

Regina high school 2018-2019 annual report by reginahs

Regina Christian School

Regina Christian School provides a nurturing and academically rigorous environment for students from kindergarten to grade 12. With a commitment to integrating faith and learning, the school offers a comprehensive curriculum that encourages critical thinking and personal growth. The school calendar at Regina Christian School is filled with enriching activities, including sports events, music performances, and community service projects, providing students with a well-rounded educational experience. The school’s dedication to fostering a strong sense of community and character development makes it a standout choice for families seeking a holistic education for their children in Regina.

Regina christian school

Here's What The 1st Day Of School Looks Like In Regina

The first day of school in Regina is always an exciting time for students, parents, and teachers. As the summer break comes to an end, there’s a buzz of anticipation in the air as children prepare to start a new grade and meet their new teachers. The morning of the first day is filled with a mix of emotions from nervousness to excitement. Students arrive at school with their new backpacks and school supplies, eager to see their friends and begin the new academic year. Parents drop off their children, some capturing the moment with photos, while teachers welcome their new students and set the tone for the year ahead. It’s a day filled with new beginnings, hope, and the promise of learning and growth.

Here's what the 1st day of school looks like in regina

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